Thanks to the generosity of the HFA (Highland Family Association) we have a fabulous new audio and video system in the Learning Center! We've only had it three days and already it has made a difference to our programming and learning in the library.
On Monday morning I was trained on how to use the system, which includes a ceiling mounted projector, retractable screen, great audio system with ceiling mounted speakers, and microphones. Yesterday, Wednesday, the setup was utilized throughout the day.
The morning started with a staff meeting where we had technology training. The larger screen and clear picture made it possible for faculty around the room to have a clearer vision about what we were learning. We also watched a video to give us some additional information on the topic at hand. The sound system was clear, and we all heard the powerful message that the social workers shared.

During one of the lunch periods, we had a Skype visit with Marie Lu, author of
Legend. Seventh and eighth grade students signed up to attend the event. Marie Lu talked to us from her home in California. It was fantastic to have the students be able to see and hear her clearly using the new system! She was fantastic - personable, interesting, and inspiring.
Finally, after school we had the 4th Annual Mystery Night in the Library. At this event participating students are detectives working to solve a mystery. Playing the suspects and witnesses, members of the drama club performed to make the activity come to life. After hearing the testimony of these witnesses and examining a number of crime scenes in the room, students got to try to deduce what happened. Snacks were eaten, prizes awarded, and a good time was had by all. There were over 90 attendees at the event! Having the new sound system made a huge difference! Everyone could clearly hear the actors and the directions for the event, and having the projector let us help set the scene for our mystery which took place at a ComicCon.
It was a whirlwind day in the Learning Center, these special events were in addition to our regular classes and all the students who use the library on a daily basis. We are so grateful to the HFA for this new equipment. It has already made a difference to the students and staff at Highland!