Monday, March 1, 2010

Highland's 2010 Caudill Results

Most years it is fairly clear which of the twenty nominated Caudill books will garner most of the Highland students' votes. This year, I didn't have a clue about which book would win. When I asked students about their favorite book from the list, I got a wide range of answers too.

We had around 225 students vote for the Caudill Award this year, about 1/4 of the students at Highland. Eleven of the titles on the list got more than ten votes.
The top three vote getters at Highland were:
  1. Someone Named Eva - 25 votes
  2. Dragon Slippers - 21 votes
  3. Elephant Run - 20 votes
Here's the complete breakdown of votes by title:

I'm anxious to see which book will win the statewide voting and which author will receive the 2010 Caudill Award.

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